
Thursday, October 31, 2019

Patient satisfaction Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Patient satisfaction - Essay Example In developing the questionnaire, one must focus one finding focus on achieving three set of goals namely provision of quality health care to patients, treating them with courtesy as well as respect and making the health services affordable to the patients. The questions to be used in the process should thus focus on the three issues namely quality, interpersonal and accessibility. The question should be brief with careful wording so as to ensure that they are not biased, vague or enclosed. There is need to use a consistent scale while developing the questions such as likert scale, 10-point scale or the four point scale. The use of scale assists in the ensuring accuracy and precision in the determination of the satisfaction level of the patient. Anonymity should be highly emphasized as this will allow patients to give their honest opinion. The entire process need to be anonymous and the forms should be filled in private and the questions need to be open-ended so as to make the entire process as flexible as possible (Shelton,

Monday, October 28, 2019

Video game and internet cafes Essay Example for Free

Video game and internet cafes Essay Over the years, there had been a growing concern in the effect of study habits of the college students where they get addicted and drown themselves into the game itself. The youth of today no longer seem to spend their leisure activities like in the olden days; outdoor games or playing sports, instead, they spend their free time in their homes, internet cafes or computer shops simply to satisfy their hunger; and that hunger is Online Gaming. Online gaming has such a profound impact on not only the young, but dynamically every age group as well. So far, virtually anyone is able to go on a computer and punch through the keys and mouse in order to get a high score, chat with players, get the rarest items, and level up as fast as possible. Yes, there seems to be no restriction as to whom, how or what online gaming can extend to. As in any situation where new technology is introduced, the social impact of the Internet is being looked at. One social problem that has been observed is that the Internet cafe has become mainly game centres. About one-half to two-thirds of the computers in a typical Internet cafe, according to one study, are devoted to games like violent and gory games. The use of the remaining computers was roughly split between browsing, email, online chat, word processing and research. The Internet cafes have become not just game centres. They are becoming centres of addiction among the youth, mostly boys. Objective -The Positive Effects of Online Gaming -The Negative Effects of Online Gaming -Is there a cure for Online Gaming addiction? Significance of the Study The intention of this topic is to give awareness to my fellow students on how Online Gaming will affect our study habit and also our performances in academics , job and actions towards family and friends , and ourselves. Scope of limitation Because some places here in the Philippines does not yet have any computers and internet yet and not all Filipinos use computer or does not have and not knowledgeable on computer, My scope of limitation is within Metro Manila only.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Analyze the research methodology

Analyze the research methodology Introduction This work has chosen two research papers to critically analyze the research methodology and method used, as well as to compare and contrast the approaches of the two papers. The first paper (refer to paper one hereafter) is to contribute the understanding of organizational culture in Turkish construction industry. A case study (Oney-Yazici E., et al, 2007) about Organizational culture: the case of Turkish construction industry was conducted to examine the cultural profile of construction organization in terms of firm type, size and age within the context of Turkish construction industry in 15 countries. The second paper (refer to paper two hereafter) is to demonstrate the situation of claims management in construction section in Egypt from contractors perspective. A questionnaire survey (Hassanein A and Nemr W, 2008) of Claims management in the Egyptian industrial construction sector: a contractors perspective was taken to discuss the issues of claim management, change of order in particular, conducting on a sample collection in construction industry companies. Research design and research question Two basic types of research methodologies are divided into quantitative and qualitative methods (Kumar, 2005). Creswell (2009) further advanced three types of designs as qualitative, quantitative and mixed methods. In order to overcome the disadvantage of qualitative and quantitative research, mixed methods research emerged trying to combine or associate both forms. It involves the use of both qualitative and quantitative methods to achieve greater strength of a study than using either alone (Creswell 2009). A mix method is defined by Crewell (2009) as an approach to inquiry that combines or associates both qualitative and quantitative forms. Thus, this method can synthesize either strength or weakness of both quantitative method and qualitative method (Fellows and Liu, 2008). The research of organizational culture in paper one was conducted with questionnaire, which has Part I and Part II. Part I is mainly categorical or nominal variables (age, gender and size etc) to find out the demographic characteristics of respondents and profile of their firms. Part II comprises of questions with 1-5 Likert scale to measure the organizational culture. Paper one is therefore a straight-forward quantitative research paper, which emphasizes on the quantification the data collection and the subsequent analysis of data (Brymen 2009). The quantitative research was also defined as a means for testing objective theories by examining the relationship among variables. These variables, in turn, can be measured on instrument, so that numbered data can be analyzed using statistical procedures (Creswell, 2009). The aim of paper one was to examine existing culture profile in the Turkish construction industry. Quantitative research is suitable for fact-finding based on evidence or records (Table 1, Naoum 1998). Therefore, the objective of paper one to find out the culture profile can be achieved by quantitative research. Thus it is appropriate in this case. However, if the objective is extended to further understanding as to why such a culture profile existed in Turkish construction industry, a qualitative research could be conducted with methods like interview to gather more data to comprehend the mentality behind the organizational culture, thus to supplement the finding from quantitative research since it has rich and deep data (Naoum 1998), and it places greater emphasis on understanding, rather than merely testing and verification (Ghauri Gronhaug, 2005). The objective of the paper two is to finding and improving the status of claims management in Egypt, particularly the change order claims. The research of claims management in paper two is also conducted by questionnaire but it is not the same type of quantitative questionnaire as in paper one. Rather, it has both closed-ended and open questions, hence with combination of quantitative and qualitative questions.. It was actually conducted by researcher in person as an interview, which the researcher admitted it last longer than expected due to gathering of the vast amount of information. A semi-structured interview is believed to be used in this case (Bryman 2008). The questionnaire in paper two has 7 questions. Questions 1-3 are all closed-ended and are concerned with categorical (Q1) or nominal (Q2 Q3) variables with purpose to determine the profile claims statement status in Egypt. Questions 4-7, however, are all open questions. Interestingly, question 4 in fact has three questions rather than one question for the remaining part of questionnaire. It therefore can be concluded that the research in paper two is using mixed method research because both quantitative and qualitative data are gathered concurrently and analyzed separately. It occurred to me that the concurrent embedded strategy (Creswell 2009) is used in paper two, which will be discussed later in this article. In my opinion, mixed method is acceptable to use for paper but I do not like the combination of three different questions as Question 4. These questions are concerned with procedure, communication and documentation. They are interlinked but they could be separately asked. Moreover, questions 5 is asking respondents that does the contract stipulate that all change orders must be written? It is a missed opportunity as it could ask more information from the respondents such as which version/edition of the contract they used, what are the terms and conditions related to the change orders, whether these terms and conditions require all orders to be in written form only. Data collection and sampling According to Kumar (2005), the two main types of data collection are primary data and secondary data. Literately, primary data is collected by researchers themselves and secondary data are available data from another source. In both paper one and paper two, primary data were gathered. However, data collection in paper one is purely quantitative with Likert-scale questionnaire while the data collection in paper two are for both quantitative and qualitative data with closed-end questions and semi-structured interview. In order to gather primary research data, quantitative method combining with structured questionnaire was conducted in both of the two reports. A questionnaire is defined by Kumar (2005) as a written list of questions, the answers to which are recorded by respondents. In a questionnaire, respondents read the question and then provide the answers according to the questions. It is clear that a questionnaire is less expensive and easy to understand for the respondents giving the answers. Sometimes, sensitive questions can list on the questionnaire as the respondents can answer in anonymity in less distressed way (Kumar, 2005). However, questionnaires have disadvantages including low response rate, limited to literate population only, biased self-selection of respondents, lack of opportunity to clarify questions to respondents and no allowance for spontaneous responses. As Bryman (2008) asserted that, the reason why a questionnaire belongs to quantitative method is that most of questions are structured and closed, though it can combine a few open questions. Closed-ended questions refer to possible answers are set out on the questionnaire, and the respondents ticks the best category the best describes the respondents answer, concurrently open-ended questions refers to possible answers are not given. In the case of a questionnaire, respondents write down the answers in their own words (Kumar, 2005). It is apparent that closed-ended and open-ended questions are presented in paper two of claims management. The questionnaire was formulated based on an extensive literature review of issues on claim management, change order claims in particular. Meanwhile, paper one designed a questionnaire which based on Organizational Culture Assessment Instrument (OCAI) with two major dimensions in which the first dimension emphasizes the organizational focus, whereas the second one distinguishes between the stability and control and the flexibility and discretion, which formulated by clan, adhocracy, market and hierarchy. All questions in questionnaire of paper one are closed-ended questions which are easier and faster to respond because all alternative answers have been given. However, lack of depth and variety could be a main disadvantage as answers were restricted in a given scope (Kumar 2005). In paper two, a semi-structured interview in person was conducted with engineers and managers who have more than 15 years working experiences. This interview was based on previous literature in order to get more evidence to examine the claim management in Egypt, change order claims in particular. Open questions in paper two, with contrast of closed-ended questions used in paper one, could get more in-depth information, and allows respondents to freely express what they intended to say (Kumar 2005, Fellows and Liu 2008). Even closed-ended questions 1-3 in paper two have provided opportunity for respondents to write down their own answers (if other specify). However, the analysis of data from open questions could be more complex and difficult because respondents can say anything. Meanwhile, the chances are that these questions could have biases from interviewees. According to Kumar (2005), sampling can be divided into probability random sampling, non-probability non-random sampling and mixed sampling design. Stratified random sampling collection was used in in paper two, and non-random judgmental sampling was employed in paper one. As Kumar (2005) and Fellows and Liu (2008) asserted that there is an equal chance of selection for each member of the population in random sampling. Stratified sampling is one of the probability random sampling and appropriate where the population occurs in distinct, groups or strata (Fellows and Liu, 2008). In CM, the sample was selected among major companies in construction industry in Egypt and seven of the main companies were collected in this research. Using stratified random probability sampling method, the inferences drawn from the samples can be generalized to the whole population (Kumar, 2005). Judgmental sampling that called Purposive sampling as well, was conducted in Organizational Culture with the crit eria of nationality, firm size and market share. Thus, 134 in 351 firms participated in the research study. In judgmental sampling, researcher can gather case and information in those people who meet requirement of the sample chosen criteria, and this sampling method is extremely useful when the researcher want to describe a phenomenon and develop something about which only is a little known (Kumar, 2005 and Bryman, 2008). However, there can be bias when the sampling was chosen. The random sampling can be influenced by human preference unconsciously. On the other hand, the sample frame may not cover all the features of the whole population. In addition, the sample can not represent all the population, so that the conclusion can only be inferred from the samplings (Kumar, 2005). In paper one, the population is the whole Turkish construction industry. The stratified random sampling were used to gathered from 826 respondents, who are working for 107 contracting and 27 architectural firms, with male/female ratio of 74.9%/25.1%. The absolute size of sample of 826 is quite impressive and is significant in terms of sample size. The male/female ratio is not balanced, however, it may be the fact that most people working in architectural/contracting industry are dominantly male. The response rate is 38.18%, with 134 participated from 351 firms contacted. The sample selection in paper two are targeting at the middle to large size contracting firms that are more then LE 50 million in industrial work turnover and LE 100 million in cumulative construction work turnover. Due to limited number of firms fall into the category, seven major companies in Egypt were chosen and 21 industrial projects from them were the sample for the research. However, the actual data collection was conducted by the interview to the senior managers in these firms, but exact number of interviewee was not revealed in the paper. Therefore, when the data analysis present the data as percentage, there is no way for reader to know exactly how many respondents chose a particular answer. My guess is there might be at least 21 respondents since there are 21 industrial projects. If the respondents is only 7 (there are 7 companies chosen), the sample would be questionable due to limited sample size. The research in paper two have omitted small contracting firms and inexper ienced site manager/site engineers. Only medium and large contracting firms and hugely experienced personnel are invited for the interview. This may paint a rosier picture than the reality. Inexperienced site manager/site engineers tend to be worse in terms of contract administration, understanding procedures, using documentation. The main aims to select sample are to achieve maximum precision in the estimates within a sample size and avoid the bias in the selection of sample (Kumar, 2005). In this case, I believe that paper one has done pretty well to using a large representative sample, while paper two, on the other hand, use a relative smaller number of interviewee and the exact number of interviewee is unknown or unspecified. Reliability and Validity Another important process in a social research is the issues of reliability and validity. Reliability means concern with the results can be retested and can get the same result, time after, time in different conditions (Fellows and Liu, 2008). In Organizational culture paper, reliability coefficients (Cronbach alpha) were calculated with 0.89 for the clan and adhocracy cultures, and 0.86 for the market and hierarchy cultures. Both values indicate good internal consistency reliability for the fairness of all culture types because values above 0.7 are considered acceptable and above 0.8 are preferable (Pallant 2007). Meanwhile, despite of the statistical data display, there is no statistical test in the survey of Claims Management paper, hence the reliability of the data is not mentioned. Validity means the integrity of the conclusions that are generated from a piece of research. It is to determine if the research question is properly answered by the research. Internal validity refers to the causality relationship and external validty criterion refers to the generalization from research findings. (Yin, 1994; Amaratunga, 2002). Both papers are trying to generalize the situation. It can be concluded that both research are valid. Data Analysis In paper one, the questionnaire consists of 6 relevant questions to key dimensions of organizational culture and each statement has four alternative statements, therefore representing 24 questions. All questions are 1-5 Likert scale, with 5 as completely true. The average score was calculated to determine the overall cultural profile of a particular firm. The results of the questionnaire carried out have been presented in table II in paper one. Independent sample t-tests and Analysis of variance (ANOVA) test was used to examine the differences of organizational culture by firm size and age. A post hoc Scheffe test was used to explore difference among subgroups. The results have been presented in table III. When it comes to firm type, independent sample t-tests was used on the overall scores of each culture types to compare architectural and contracting firms. in order to have the equal sample sizes (107 contracting firms vesus 27 architectural firms), items were randomly selected from them. An Independent sample t-test is used to compare the mean score for two different groups on same continuous variable (Pallant 2007). The research suggest that Market has more influence to Contracting firm than Architectural firm. The average score of randomly selected 32 Contracting firms is 3.37 while the 27 Architectural firms is 2.93, with t=3.849, p Comparing with Independent-sample T-test which use to compare in two groups and conditions, One-way ANOVA is used to determine whether there are significant differences in the mean scores on the dependent variables between more than two groups (Pallant, 2007). ANOVA test is based on the statistical F-test which is the ratio of the between-groups variance to the within-groups or error variance (Fellows and Liu, 2008). According to Pallant (2007), the significance of F-value indicates the evidence to reject the null hypothesis, which states that the population means are equal. In other words, the larger the F-value is, the more the independent variables influence on dependent variables. In the Table II of paper one under firm size, the value under four culture types for small and medium firms are all greater than those for large firms. Our of four culture types, three culture types have found that the difference is significant to reject the null hypnoses (p Paper one further had with k-means cluster analysis to group firms with similar cultural characteristics, together with Wards method and squared Euclidean distance. Three underlying patterns of cultural types among sampled firms were found from the results of hierarchy cluster analysis, and this formed as basis for the non-hierarchical k-means analysis. Hierarchical Data clustering algorithms care to find successive clusters with already-established clusters. To select a distance measurement is a vital step in clustering, from which how the similarity of two elements is calculated. The shape of the clusters will be influenced as as some elements may be close to one another according to one distance and farther away according to another (Huang 1998, Lu 2004). In paper two, the data from question 1 about the causes of claims are presented in Figure 1, which is a pie chart showing the percentage of various causes. The result validated with other research which indicated that change order claims is the main reason of claims in most projects while the owner factor ranked second. The result confirmed the necessity to evaluate change order claims in particular (this suggest that the research is valid in terms of the research purpose). In claims notification status related question, the results showed that notifications were tied to a contract clause in 67% of projects. But the research did admit the interviewee bias and its limitation because respondents tend to answer this question optimistically. In general claims documentation status related questions, the researcher undertook to categorize the answers into seven groups by using pattern matching for qualitative data analysis, which is one of the most desirable strategies (Yin, 1994). However, this method is under criticism for the subjective risk of interpretive discretion of the researchers (Yin 1994, Amaratunga 2002). This suggests that different researcher may group the data and interpret them differently. In change order document questions, pie chart is used again in figure 2 to highlight that documentation should be improved to better records management of the project. The research used explanation building strategy to explain and discuss the results of remaining questions. The researcher went further from these results to suggest solutions to improve change orders. In the conclusion paper, the research summarized the findings as well as the recommendations based on these findings. REFERENCE: Amaratunga D. et al, (2002) Quantitative and qualitative research in the built environment: application of mixed research approach, Work Study Vol. 51 No. 1, pp.17-31 Bryman, A. (1998) Quantity and Quality in Social Research. Unwin Hyman. Bryman, A. (2008) Social Research Methods, 3rd edition, Oxford University Press, Oxford Creswell, J. (2009) Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative and Mixed Methods Approaches, Sage. Hassanein A and Nemr W, (2008) Claims Management in the Egyptian industrial construction sector: a contractors perspective, Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management Vol. 15 No.5, pp. 456-469 Huang, Z. (1998). Extensions to the K-means Algorithm for Clustering Large Datasets with Categorical Values. Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, 2, p. 283-304. Kumar R. (2005) Research Methodology: A Step-by-Step Guide for Beginners, SAGE, London Lu Y, et al (2004), FGKA: A Fast Genetic K-means Algorithm, in Proc. of the 19th ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, pp. 162-163, Nicosia, Cyprus Fellows R and Liu A, (2008), Research Methods for Construction 3rd edition, Wiley-Blackwell, Oxford Oney-Yazici E, et al (2007), Organizational culture: the case of Turkish construction industry, Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management Vol.14 No.6, pp.519-531 Pallant J, (2007), A step-by-step guide to data analysis using SPSS version 15 SPSS Survival Manual Third Edition, Open University Press Yin, K. (1994), Cast Study Research: Design and Methods, Sage Publications, Newbury Park, CA.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Remember the titans Informal Roles of Characters Essay -- essays resea

Remember The Titans was a movie that was set in a very hostile time in our country. We were in the middle of what I like to call a civil war. Although there were no battles or gunfights our country was torn in half. There was an issue dealing with race in the United States. The movie, Remember the Titans is based on actual events that occurred in the year 1971. Mainly on the integration of a school called TC Williams High School. When the school was integrated the old football coach, Coach Yoast, was let go and a black coach Herman Boone was hired on. The main plot of this movie is regarding the coaching change in the school and the 1971 football season the TC Williams Titans have.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  During the movie we see that each of the people that we meet establish certain...

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Making a killing: Hong Kong photo exhibition Essay

Photographer David Chancellor offers a unique and often visceral insight into South Africa’s hunting safaris in his exhibition â€Å"The Game is Killing the Game†. Hosted by The Salt Yard, an arts space in Kwun Tong, the photo series calls for a reflection on hunting for sport when many species are in decline. Animal lovers will find some of the images in the exhibition distressing. In one shot the severed head of a lioness can be seen placed in a cardboard box, her jaws locked open with teeth bared, gaze transfixed. In another, a giraffe has fallen to the ground in a crumpled heap, after being shot by a hunter. Chancellor was born in London but lives and works in South Africa. The three times Nikon photographer of the year and World Press Photo award winner spent up to 10 days at a time embedded with hunters to capture the images. â€Å"It’s impossible to work clandestine,† he told the Los Angeles Times last year. â€Å"I realised very quickly that you n eed to embed with the hunting party – sleep, eat and breathe the hunt. All the portraits are taken immediately after the hunter has killed. It’s impossible to duplicate that emotion which is ultimately read subliminally by the viewer of the work.† The exhibition comes as African and US politicians meet this week in Washington, with wildlife conservation high on the agenda. US Interior Secretary Sally Jewell said about 20,000 elephants were slaughtered in Africa last year, while about three rhinos were killed every day in South Africa alone. â€Å"This hugely profitable illicit activity generates billions of dollars in revenue every year, fuelling growth in international criminal syndicates and reversing decades of hard-won conservation gains across the continent,† Jewell said. [The Sun News] WASHINGTON Jiangsu couple with a group tour with his son to visit Hong Kong, yesterday morning, Hung Hom, with tours to a jewelery store shopping, mainland women refused shopping period, and to guide the requirements to continue the trip, only consumption of at least two thousand people wanted her to make arrangements Yuanshi, when both theories, mainland women fear being attacked police said. Police officers arrived at the scene  after mediation, the two sides reach an agreement, a family of three â€Å"cut† from the group trip, the trio set out by the police rushed to MTR Hung Hom Station, self drive back to the mainland. Hung Hom Station police rushed back to the mainland The men allegedly forced shopping victim surnamed Su, peer wife surnamed Li (forty years old), son of about ten. Su said that a person participated in the mainland tour groups to Hong Kong to play four days, three days before the arrival yesterday to play for two days.Eleven o’clock yesterday morning, the tour by the surname Chen (39) male guided to a jewelry store shopping Lok Street, during Li Fu Chen made no intention to shopping and want to continue their journey to another place Chan visits, but rejected, and Lee was asked at least two thousand women in the shop Yuanshi consumer can make arrangements, Li wife and husband flatly refused and said I do not know when to participate in the trip must be shopping. But someone at the scene said the tour itself has indicated shopping trip, probably a misunderstanding of the Soviet Union took part in the tour, it caused a dispute. Catfight between the two parties, Li women cry more excited, and said fear of someone brute force, then call the police for help. Police officers arrived at the scene investigation, found no wounded, no other group members received complaints from police questioning and mediation to Chen and Su family of three, the immediate family of three from the group is willing to exit the remaining two days of the trip, the final event been resolved. Since the Soviet one is not familiar with Hong Kong traffic, do not know how to ride back to the mainland, and finally by the police sent them to MTR Hung Hom Station, take the MTR own return to the Mainland.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

The Sphinx essays

The Sphinx essays The Sphinx, the enduring symbol if ancient Egypt. one of the world's most significant monuments. A monstrous 240 feet long and 66 feet high, it lies in the old kingdom quarry, carved from a core of solid bedrock and completed with masonry. Now is where we run into a problem. We cannot truly date this monument. It was thought to be around 2500BC but it could actually be in fact 9,000 years older than that. They believe this due to the erosion of it, it is not wind, but water, meaning it had to be dated back to when Egypt couldve actually had that much water. Now, how can we be so sure? This would change alot in history, and Egyptoligist are all against the thought. Well, let me tell you, I am with Mr. John Anthony West, the brilliant mind to the erosion discovery, on this one, and now I will tell you why. This is an open and shut case. The Sphinx definatly shows that it has water erosion, no wind erosion as many of the monuments supposedly built around its time, even with the same limestone. I do not see why Egyptoligist need evidence for earlier civilization to believe it. You can not just dig anywhere and find an artifact, you know, these things take time. Also, I dont believe you really need that evidence, it is all infront of your face. Network TV, so what?! Yes maybe it was meant for entertainment, but it was also meant to get their point across. More people will watch the Network stations than the learning channel or something. This does not mean anything! The opposers also mention the weathering on the Sphinx. How come the paws dont have as much weathering? Easy! The paws were buried under sand for a long time, which hid them from wind erosion! You can trust this man. He has had many others confirm his studies also, and they all agree. He has also lead to the discovery of the chamber between the Sphinx paws. This man knows what he is talking about, and with that and the cold hard facts that ...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Analysis of whether or not Transcendentalism is relevant to modern-day society.

Analysis of whether or not Transcendentalism is relevant to modern-day society. Some aspects of Transcendentalism can be applied in today's society, while others have lost their relevance due to the changes of social and economic conditions since the time of Thoreau. The Transcendentalists' goal was to create a Utopia in America. They believed in a society without rules in which you would be free to do whatever you wanted as long as it did not infringe on the freedom or well-being of others. The concept of what is a Utopia is different for every person. In today's densely populated countries it appears almost impossible to do anything that does not affect or infringe upon someone else.The Transcendentalists also believed in the Jeffersonian philosophy that each generation should only be concerned with itself and its own well-being, which would assure a solid foundation for the next generation. I think this would not work in today's society because there are many things we could do to help our generation but would make later generations pay a price.Thoreau's quot e near his cabin site, Walden Pond.An example of this would be providing jobs for a strip-mining project to help the current generation's economy, while it destroys the environment for later generations. Transcendentalist beliefs of adding onto the previous generations' efforts would not work if each generation, in helping itself, is destroying the Earth.The Transcendentalists also believed that one should live simply, with few material possessions. To explain this point, we consider how much the sheer volume of material possessions has changed over the years. When cave men roamed the earth, an elaborate material possession might have been a wood club studded with rocks, or an especially beautiful loincloth. In the 1800s, an automobile was a possession of great material value. Thoreau had a small house, 3 chairs, a desk, 2 suits, and a few books. He was...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Indice de aprobación de visas de turista por país

Indice de aprobacià ³n de visas de turista por paà ­s El à ºltimo aà ±o, EE.UU. emitià ³ un total de 6.740.754 visas de turista sus embajadas y consulados de todo el mundo, pero hay una gran diferencia en el porcentaje de visas que se aprueban segà ºn la nacionalidad del solicitante. En las estadà ­sticas del aà ±o fiscal 2018 de las visas de turista – tambià ©n conocidas como de placer, paseo, B2 o la conjunta B1/B2 o combinada con la BCC o de lser o de cruce. Estas à ºltimas solamente se emiten a los mexicanos que residen a lo largo de la frontera terrestre con EE.UU. Sin embargo, en estas cifras no estn incluidos los turistas que ingresaron sin Visa a EE.UU. por ser nacionales de uno los 38 paà ­ses incluidos en el Programa de Exencià ³n de Visados (VWP, por sus siglas en inglà ©s), como chilenos y espaà ±oles. Por lo tanto, las estadà ­sticas de chilenos y espaà ±oles no aplica a la totalidad de turistas de esas nacionalidades que ingresaron a EE.UU. el aà ±o pasado sino tan solo a las personas que, por cualquier razà ³n, no pueden acogerse al VWP como, por ejemplo, haber previamente estado ilegalmente en el paà ­s o desear permanecer en EE.UU. por ms de 90 dà ­as, etc. Porcentaje de visas de turista aprobadas por nacionalidad Los siguientes son los porcentajes de visas de turista aprobadas en relacià ³n al total de solicitudes,  segà ºn la nacionalidad del solicitante durante el à ºltimo aà ±o fiscal: Argentina: 98,27%Bolivia: 77,81%Chile: 88,66%Colombia: 64,89%Costa Rica: 90,09%Cuba: 49,03%Ecuador: 68,62%El Salvador: 48,51%Espaà ±a: 85,96%Guatemala: 46,38%Honduras: 39,68%Mà ©xico: 75,07%Nicaragua: 53,35%Panam: 88,29%Paraguay: 91,98%Perà º: 71,47%Repà ºblica Dominicana: 50,46%Uruguay: 95,89%Venezuela: 25,72% Estas cifras son por nacionalidad, sin que importar en quà © consulado o en quà © paà ­s solicitaron la visa. Y es que à ©sta puede solicitarse fuera del paà ­s de residencia habitual, pero en ningà ºn caso mejora la posibilidad de sacar la visa y, sin embargo, sà ­ que puede perjudicarla.  ¿Por quà © algunas nacionalidades tienen à ­ndices de negacià ³n de la visa visa ms altas que otras? La visa de turista puede ser denegada por muchas razones. Pero la ms frecuente en todo el mundo es la de no acreditar suficientemente lazos econà ³micos y/o familiares o sociales en el lugar de residencia habitual. Es decir, el oficial consular sospecha que el solicitante de la visa puede quedarse en los Estados Unidos ms tiempo del autorizado o quieren aprovechar su estadà ­a para trabajar. Este problema puede afectar en todo el mundo por igual a solicitantes jà ³venes de cualquier paà ­s que cuando fueron nià ±os nunca tuvieron una visa americana. Sin embargo, en algunos consulados en particular ese tipo de sospechas son, en general, altas para todos los solicitantes, cualquiera que sea su edad. Las razones son varias, por ejemplo, la inestabilidad polà ­tica, econà ³mica y social de un paà ­s, que se refleja en el alto à ­ndice de sus ciudadanos que en los aà ±os anteriores obtuvieron una visa de turista, viajaron a EE.UU. y se han quedado ms tiempo del autorizado. Por ejemplo, el aà ±o pasado todas las solicitudes de visa de turista de ciudadanos de Andorra, Liechtenstein, Mà ³naco y Vaticano fueron aprobadas. Son paà ­ses estables con à ­ndices bajà ­simos de violaciones migratorias por parte de sus ciudadanos. En el otro extremo se encuentran Corea del Norte y Micronesia. En el à ºltimo aà ±o fiscal EE.UU. denegà ³ todas las solicitudes de visa de turista de los ciudadanos de esos dos estados. Un caso a destacar, porque ilustra muy bien este punto, es el de Venezuela. El aà ±o pasado, fueron rechazadas el 74,28 por ciento de solicitudes de visas de turista realizadas por venezolanos en cualquier embajada o consulado de EE.UU. en todo el mundo. En otras palabras, solo una de cuatro peticiones fue aprobada. Diez aà ±os antes, en el aà ±o fiscal 2008, solamente fueron rechazadas un 25,4 por ciento de las visas de turistas solicitadas por venezolanos. Es decir, tres de cada cuatro solicitudes era aprobada.  ¿Quà © saben los consulados sobre el solicitante de una visa? Otro factor que puede influenciar en la diferencia de à ­ndices de aprobacià ³n de las visas es la mayor tendencia en algunos paà ­ses a presentar documentos falsos o realizar declaraciones exageradas, en muchos casos animados por asesorà ­as que venden servicios varios para mejorar la chance de sacar la visa. Las informaciones de los consulados varà ­an de paà ­s a paà ­s pero en general puede decirse que antes de que el solicitante de la visa se presente delante del oficial consular para la entrevista ya el personal consular ha realizado una importante labor. Siempre se verifica la identidad del solicitante en bases de datos propias del gobierno estadounidense y que tienen la misma informacià ³n que los puntos migratorios de entrada a EE.UU. Tambià ©n se verifican los datos biomà ©tricos despuà ©s de tomar huellas y fotos al solicitante. Un grupo de empleados, que pueden ser estadounidenses o locales de gran confianza, busca por cualquier anomalà ­a que pueda aparecer en la aplicacià ³n de la visa. Si algo les llama la atencià ³n, proceden a una investigacià ³n ms en profundidad. Toda esa informacià ³n se presenta al oficial consular que va a llevar a cabo la entrevista y por eso puede tomar una decisià ³n sobre aprobar o negar la visa en apenas dos minutos. Adems, à ©ste puede acceder desde su computadora a todos los expedientes que puede tener el solicitante de la visa como, por ejemplo, previas solicitudes y conocer incluso todas las anotaciones realizadas por otros oficiales consulares desde otro consulado ubicado en cualquier lugar del mundo. Con respecto a la duda de si pueden verificar la informacià ³n de los informes bancarios, no es posible pedir un estado del balance de una cuenta de un ciudadano que no es estadounidense. Sin embargo, por diversos medios sà ­ que es posible para los consulados obtener confirmacià ³n por parte de los bancos sobre si los informes presentados son real y si fueron emitidos en la fecha que consta. La presentacià ³n de documento falsos da lugar a la negacià ³n de la visa por fraude de ley y equivale a cavar uno su propia tumba ya que es un problema muy difà ­cil de solucionar. Serà ­a necesario obtener un perdà ³n o waiver, que es muy complicado obtener. Puntos Clave: visas de turista aprobadas y rechazadas en FY2018 6.740.745: nà ºmero de visas de turista B2, B1/B2 y combinacià ³n B1/B2/BCC aprobadas por los consulados de EE.UU. en todo el mundo en aà ±o fiscal 2018.China: paà ­s con ms visas de turista aprobadas, seguido de Mà ©xico y, en tercer lugar, India.0% solicitudes de visas de turista aprobadas: Corea del Norte y Micronesia.100% solicitudes de visas de turista aprobadas: Andorra, Liechtenstein, Mà ³naco, Vaticano y Sahara Occidental.Factores que influyen en diferencias de à ­ndices de aprobacià ³n: falta de estabilidad econà ³mica, polà ­tica o social de un paà ­s, altos porcentajes de nacionales de un paà ­s que se quedan en EE.UU. ms tiempo que el autorizado y altos à ­ndices de presentacià ³n de papeles fraudulentos o declaraciones falsas durante el proceso de solicitud de visa. Este no es un artà ­culo legal, es solo informativo.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

The Tempest and Solibo Magnificent Comparative Literature Essay

The Tempest and Solibo Magnificent Comparative Literature - Essay Example To this plan, Stephano accedes with utmost pleasantness. â€Å"Monster, I will kill this man: his daughter and I will be king and queen--save our graces!—and Trinculo and thyself shall be viceroys† (Stephano cited in Shakespeare). Stephano particularly approves of the presence of noise making spirits on the island for they would play music for him when he would become the king. The characters discussed above see that island as a place where they would be free to exercise any rights they would want to. Despite the fact that colonial impulse is represented by numerous characters in the play, there is just one representative of the truly colonized, i.e. Caliban. Caliban offers Stephano to kill Prospero in order to gain control and power, yet for him, it means nothing more than the change of a ruler! Every one makes plans but no one succeeds. â€Å"I am afraid our eyes are bigger than our bellies, and that we have more curiosity than capacity; for we grasp at all, but catc h nothing but wind† (Montaigne 1). On the other hand, in Solibo Magnificent, colonial impulse is represented by the police who exercise a series of undue abuse on the suspects of Solibo’s fatal collapse, and there is no one to keep a check on their investigation. Colonialism may not necessarily be exercised over state, it can also be exercised over people, like it is done in the case of Solibo Magnificent. The excessive colonialism of police can be estimated from the fact that they beat Doudou Menar to death, who had been considerate enough to be the first to make the police aware of Solibo’s assassination. â€Å"They manhandle Congo without pity. Jambette and Diab-Anba-Feuilles twist his arms behind his back, slam him onto a chair, face under a lamp's incandescence† (Chamoiseau 139) The difference between the colonialism discussed in The Tempest and that in Solibo Magnificent is that the former offers rule over land while the latter offers rule over publi c. Slavery: In The Tempst, Ariel plays the role of a slave to Prospero. He has been slave to Prospero ever since he was rescued by him after he was caged in a tree by Sycorax. Throughout the play, Prospero uses Ariel to play the magic tricks on various characters that form part of the story. It is the Ariel who originally sets storm in the sea so that all of the people in it find their way to the island. Ariel is not let free until the end of the story when Prospero plans to leave with his siblings. Even then, Prospero instructs Ariel to look after the seas and make sure that the waters stay calm. Slavery has been a common element both in The Tempest and Solibo Magnificent, though the latter has mixed slavery with racism unlike the former. â€Å"Their African Purity had seemed a defect in the middle of our mixed population, and one said â€Å"Congo† with as much disdain as â€Å"Negro†Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Chamoiseau 142). Also, slave in The Tempest enjoys all privileges wi thin the limits imposed by his master unlike Solibo Magnificent, in which slavery is associated with Africans or African Americans as is done in the most traditional settings. People who look like Africans are commonly stereotyped as slaves in the literature. â€Å"In this society education and money and cultured Frenchness matter, but Negro blood is like an ineradicable commonness, a mark of slave ancestry†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Naipaul 205). Language: There is a great difference of the language in which The

Friday, October 18, 2019

Debate Critiques Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Debate Critiques - Essay Example For instance, the advantages of ethical obligations such as rise in market share, increase in market value, higher sales improved sales, lower employee turnover, and cost control are all explained with sufficient data obtained from previous researches. Furthermore, this presentation entices sufficient thought in the reader’s mind about possible negative impact of multinational corporations, which is also explained in this presentation. Another scoring point in Team A’s presentation is that it explains the potential negative impact of absence of ethical obligations by explaining what kind of impact multinational companies can have on the economy, country, and environment if they did not have any ethical obligations towards these entities. The main strengths of presentation by Team B include its succinctness and reader-friendly approach. This presentation highlights the most important points related to the kind of ethical obligations that multinational corporations have. Further, it highlights the ethical considerations multinational companies have kinds of impact ethical obligations can have such as employment practices, workplace conditions, environmental impact, local customs, and ethics. However, this presentation does not provide any information related to experimental evidences. Another weakness in Team B’s presentation is in its flow and presentation of information, which could have been better as it covered almost same information as Team A, but without any experimental evidence. Although information here is not irrelevant, the relevance of information presented is not established. Lack of support from experimental evidence presents this as a weaker presentation. The main strengths of Team A’s presentation include its presentation style, logic, and flow, and link to experimental evidence. Every point made in this presentation has been clearly explained and

Bushs Ideas of New World Order Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Bushs Ideas of New World Order - Essay Example While the Gulf War is a manifestation of the development of new World Order, it is clear that the idea is still at conception stage and that the rationale for its application is still debatable. Gorbachev's idea of New World order seems much similar to the ideas that Bush advanced at this point in time and converges to the development of peaceful world void of imperialistic aggression. To a large extent, the Gulf war signified the role of international bodies and powerful nations in safeguarding weak nations from ill political aggression towards a peaceful new world era. The Gulf war in 1991 refers to the historic war that emerged shortly after Saddam Hussein of Iraq invaded Kuwait. Over the world, history, Iraq is a country that has always ignited numerous wars against different nations. The Iraq war against Kuwait started shortly after Iraq was given up on its war with Iran. In July 1990, Saddam Hussein gave up on the conflict he had held for a long time with Iran. At this time, Iraq had greatly invested in its military and the country was in an economic crisis. As a matter of fact, Iraq owed Kuwait 30 billion dollars and was unwilling to pay. To counter the demand of Kuwait that Iraq pays this debt, Saddam Hussein launched a counter claim that Kuwait had cost Iran a great fortune by reducing the price of Oil, hurting the business operations in Iraq (Finlan, 2003, P. 30). Consequently, Saddam Hussein demanded compensation and refused to pay the debt they owed this country. To make matters worse, Saddam Hussein launched claims that he had held earli er that Kuwait is a country that belongs to Iraq. In an effort to control Kuwait, Saddam Hussein ordered his troops to monitor the borders of Kuwait and counter any resistance from the government of this country. The feeling of this letter was that Kuwait being a small country, he could easily capture it to his economic advantage as this country was rich in Oil wells. From this perspective, the Gulf war was an expansionism strategy in which a powerful state abused its power to its own political and economic advantage.

Implementation of EMR System Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

Implementation of EMR System - Term Paper Example It can be a complete decision support system with quality management and reporting method.But this implementation process of the EMR incurs a huge investment for the firm which cannot be afforded by many small scale companies. Government plays a vital role in the investment process to help the hospitals to adapt the system. In the year 1996 the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act i.e. HIPAA was passed at U.S to setup rules for the access and storing of patients information and auditing to electronic medical records. These rules set a standard for electronic records which is much more stringent than older paper work records. But there are some concerns about the different issues that arise due to the implementation process. The organization faces several challenges in the implementation process which the company needs to evaluate beforehand for a successful implementation of the EMR system. Identifying the key business areas, selecting the appropriate vendor for the so ftware development and implementing in a tactful manner are most important in the adaptation process. Rapid development in IT industry aided in the reduction of cost for setting up the information system and emerging device compatibility gives great flexibility to access the system. The information stored manually through paper work can also be accessed in a simple manner but this cannot be managed for a huge number of records. Networked EMR gives the litheness to connect the different departments and the laboratory data and prompt assistance can be received from the system in an effective way. Various other features like the e-mail and internet communication allows the specialist to take advice from remote organization or physicians. Storage of drugs and availability of the supplementary health care instruments can be tracked by the system. Lastly the report generation of different situational analysis can also be conducted through the system (Fraser, et.al., 2005, p. 84-85). This report is mainly concerned with the issues which arise in the adaptation of EMR system by the hospital administrator and the features of the different EMR systems available from different vendors. The report also will help in the decision process for selecting the right EMR system for the given hospital. EMR implementation process Why EMR implementation? Implementing an EMR system is not an easy task for the hospitals. Identifying the best EMR and deciding the one to buy are two main questions which arise before the implementation process. Identifying the clinical, administrative and the business needs are the very first step one should consider in the process. When searching for the best system one should understand what the process is all about and what can be the implementation process i.e. proper understanding of the systems available in the market are needed to be evaluated first so that there should not be loss of capital in the investment for the system. Proper knowledge of t he systems available and the business process and comparison between the two will help the implementation process much easier. Once the product selection is done the process identification and the analysis can be done and the clinic will surely benefit from that if the right product is selected. EMR system facilitates the processes than if done manually. The analysis, calculation and recording of data about the

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Munchausen syndrome by proxy (MSbP) Research Paper

Munchausen syndrome by proxy (MSbP) - Research Paper Example ddition ‘by proxy’ means ‘through a substitute’ denoting that it is a parent/ adult/ guardian caretaker who is inflicting symptoms in a child and not on themselves. It is a form of child abuse, and a mental disorder that warrants speedy treatment due to its deadliness. Research indicates a 6-10% mortality rate amongst MSbp victims, thus making it perhaps the most lethal form of abuse (Eminson & Postlethwaite, 2000). Munchausen by proxy differs from the Munchausen syndrome in that whereas in Munchausen by proxy, symptoms are deliberately induced in another separate individual, Munchausen syndrome on the other hand occurs when one pretends to be sick or injured on purpose. They hurt themselves, make up symptoms, push for risky operations or try to rig laboratory reports in order to gain attention. In Munchausen by proxy, the caretaker can deliberately harm the child for example by poisoning, medication, falsifying fever, withholding food, suffocation, infections, physical injury, manipulating laboratory results to indicate serious illness in order to gain attention of the medical practitioners and perpetuate a medical relationship. It is not done to achieve a concrete benefit such as financial gain. Munchausen syndromes belong to a group of conditions called factitious disorders, of which they are the most severe and chronic. Factitious disorders are either made up in another person or inflicted on self and can either be psychological or physical (Schreier & Libow, 1993). In approximately 85% of all cases of MSbp, the mother is often the culprit responsible for inflicting the illness or symptoms. However, it also possible but rare to have cases of MSbp induced by non-relatives for instance, medical professionals for a hospitalized patient, for other reasons. Most of the cases involve pre-scholars with a roughly equal number of girl and boy victims though there have been reports of Munchausen by proxy victims in children up to 16 years old. Experts believe

Music Therapy and its Effects on Hospitalization and Medical Essay

Music Therapy and its Effects on Hospitalization and Medical Procedures - Essay Example In conclusion the research shows that the utilization of music therapy is far to beneficial to not use as an interventive therapy for patients in the hospital as it has the power of changing negative perceptions into more positive ones which results in far better patient outcomes. The idea of music therapy being an alternative means of therapy for hospitalized patients has definitely grown over the past five years. Much of this is due to the fact that the evidence that has been gathered and identified concerning its effect's on patients is seemingly irrefutable as a means to bring positivism in a patient's life. Its main goal is to bring comfort and relaxation to the patient that is worried and filled with apprehension and anxiety over a medical condition or medical procedure that they must combat. It has also been found to be a great therapy in the recovery period of patients within a hospital environment as well. ... The findings of this research are meant to show that there is a need for this form of alternative therapy in the post-operative phase of surgical procedures, in physical therapy, medical testing, treatment regimens such as with cancer patients, and also the overall recovery period of patients as well. Therefore the gathered data is meant to try and bring validity into the utilization of this therapy so that it will be able to provide persuasion for its usage regardless of any costs associated with it. 1.1 Problems Associated with Music Therapy The main area of limitation that might be associative with music therapy is trying to provide irrefutable evidence that it is indeed an alternative method that places patients in a more tranquil and healing type of environment. Some researchers try to state that it is not as pertinent to hospital patients as other researchers' state it is and therefore there is some controversy associated with this methodology in the health care system. Also the studies that have been carried out on this technique have been relatively small which leaves it facing indecisiveness in regards to being placed as a permanent therapeutic element in a hospital environment. What is being implied is although it is often utilized, there is not sufficient evidence to offer 100 % validity on how effective it is in placing a positive element in the recovery process of patients in a hospital. However, this researcher personally feels that the areas in a hospital environment where music therapy has been utilized (sp ecifically post surgical and rehabilitative) have given credence to this therapeutic alternative as a positive way of reinforcing the patients' perception of the quality of their care and their environment. 1.2

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Implementation of EMR System Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

Implementation of EMR System - Term Paper Example It can be a complete decision support system with quality management and reporting method.But this implementation process of the EMR incurs a huge investment for the firm which cannot be afforded by many small scale companies. Government plays a vital role in the investment process to help the hospitals to adapt the system. In the year 1996 the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act i.e. HIPAA was passed at U.S to setup rules for the access and storing of patients information and auditing to electronic medical records. These rules set a standard for electronic records which is much more stringent than older paper work records. But there are some concerns about the different issues that arise due to the implementation process. The organization faces several challenges in the implementation process which the company needs to evaluate beforehand for a successful implementation of the EMR system. Identifying the key business areas, selecting the appropriate vendor for the so ftware development and implementing in a tactful manner are most important in the adaptation process. Rapid development in IT industry aided in the reduction of cost for setting up the information system and emerging device compatibility gives great flexibility to access the system. The information stored manually through paper work can also be accessed in a simple manner but this cannot be managed for a huge number of records. Networked EMR gives the litheness to connect the different departments and the laboratory data and prompt assistance can be received from the system in an effective way. Various other features like the e-mail and internet communication allows the specialist to take advice from remote organization or physicians. Storage of drugs and availability of the supplementary health care instruments can be tracked by the system. Lastly the report generation of different situational analysis can also be conducted through the system (Fraser, et.al., 2005, p. 84-85). This report is mainly concerned with the issues which arise in the adaptation of EMR system by the hospital administrator and the features of the different EMR systems available from different vendors. The report also will help in the decision process for selecting the right EMR system for the given hospital. EMR implementation process Why EMR implementation? Implementing an EMR system is not an easy task for the hospitals. Identifying the best EMR and deciding the one to buy are two main questions which arise before the implementation process. Identifying the clinical, administrative and the business needs are the very first step one should consider in the process. When searching for the best system one should understand what the process is all about and what can be the implementation process i.e. proper understanding of the systems available in the market are needed to be evaluated first so that there should not be loss of capital in the investment for the system. Proper knowledge of t he systems available and the business process and comparison between the two will help the implementation process much easier. Once the product selection is done the process identification and the analysis can be done and the clinic will surely benefit from that if the right product is selected. EMR system facilitates the processes than if done manually. The analysis, calculation and recording of data about the

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Music Therapy and its Effects on Hospitalization and Medical Essay

Music Therapy and its Effects on Hospitalization and Medical Procedures - Essay Example In conclusion the research shows that the utilization of music therapy is far to beneficial to not use as an interventive therapy for patients in the hospital as it has the power of changing negative perceptions into more positive ones which results in far better patient outcomes. The idea of music therapy being an alternative means of therapy for hospitalized patients has definitely grown over the past five years. Much of this is due to the fact that the evidence that has been gathered and identified concerning its effect's on patients is seemingly irrefutable as a means to bring positivism in a patient's life. Its main goal is to bring comfort and relaxation to the patient that is worried and filled with apprehension and anxiety over a medical condition or medical procedure that they must combat. It has also been found to be a great therapy in the recovery period of patients within a hospital environment as well. ... The findings of this research are meant to show that there is a need for this form of alternative therapy in the post-operative phase of surgical procedures, in physical therapy, medical testing, treatment regimens such as with cancer patients, and also the overall recovery period of patients as well. Therefore the gathered data is meant to try and bring validity into the utilization of this therapy so that it will be able to provide persuasion for its usage regardless of any costs associated with it. 1.1 Problems Associated with Music Therapy The main area of limitation that might be associative with music therapy is trying to provide irrefutable evidence that it is indeed an alternative method that places patients in a more tranquil and healing type of environment. Some researchers try to state that it is not as pertinent to hospital patients as other researchers' state it is and therefore there is some controversy associated with this methodology in the health care system. Also the studies that have been carried out on this technique have been relatively small which leaves it facing indecisiveness in regards to being placed as a permanent therapeutic element in a hospital environment. What is being implied is although it is often utilized, there is not sufficient evidence to offer 100 % validity on how effective it is in placing a positive element in the recovery process of patients in a hospital. However, this researcher personally feels that the areas in a hospital environment where music therapy has been utilized (sp ecifically post surgical and rehabilitative) have given credence to this therapeutic alternative as a positive way of reinforcing the patients' perception of the quality of their care and their environment. 1.2

Global Culture and New Culture Essay Example for Free

Global Culture and New Culture Essay The concept of Global Culture is defined as the idea of a â€Å"one world culture† wherein the â€Å"earth’s inhabitants will lose their cultural diversity and one culture will be experienced by all people† (Oregon State University, 2008). At present, this kind of phenomenon is one of the most controversial issues that is being discusses and debated by numerous scholars especially in its relation to the changes that is currently happening in the world. However, the idea of a global culture is not a new subject matter, as it had been perceived by previous notable personalities. This is greatly exemplified by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engel as they discussed the concept of global culture in the Communist Manifesto. The Communist Manifesto is considered as one of the world’s most influential political manuscripts in which the purposes and program of the Communist League is written. Nevertheless, this document also tackled the Communist League’s criticism of the Bourgeois In order to so, they also gave their perception of global culture and how this phenomenon affects the society. Marx and Engel began the Communist Manifesto by stating that the foundation all existing societies is the history of class struggle. They pointed out that early epochs up to the time that the manifesto was created the society is always composed of competing classes that are most appropriately described as the oppressor and the oppressed. The development and revolutions in history paved the way for two great classes that are directly facing against each other namely: the Bourgeoisie and the Proletariat. The formation of the modern Bourgeoisie is the product of a long course of development as well as the series of revolutions with regards to production and exchange (Marx and Engel, 1848). The Bourgeoisie is largely responsible in the changes of the mode of production, which give way to various modifications that greatly exemplified the idea of a global culture. The existence of the Bourgeoisie is dependent upon the continuous revolutionizing of the instruments of production and eventually the relations of productions. This includes expanding the market over the entire surface of the globe for the consumption of its products. Marx and Engel clearly explained the Bourgeoisie’s desire for globalization when they stated, â€Å"It must nestle everywhere, settle everywhere, establish connections everywhere† (Marx and Engel, 1848). In relation to the idea of market expansion, the Communist Manifesto also give due account of the concept of free trade, which is an important feature in achieving a global culture. The Communist League strongly believes that Free Trade is the main culprit in most people’s perception that personal worth is measured by the exchange of value that is most observable in the importance they give to material things. In order for the Bourgeoisie to pursue their objective of profitability by increasing production, they have to exploit other people by changing the way they think about themselves and modifying the values that they uphold (Marx and Engel, 1848). The Bourgeoisie’s exploitation of the world market is creating a cosmopolitan character to production and consumption of every country. Due to this, it is destroying the old-established national industries that are important in the national identity of a country. Industries do not merely utilized indigenous raw materials but they acquire it from the remotest parts of the world and their products are not merely consumed at their respective countries but also in every quarter of the globe. The globalization of trade also affects other factors such as communication. As such, the very way of life of the people is also influence wherein they adhere to the ideologies of the Bourgeoisie like being consumerists, which heightens the pursuance of this class’ interests (Marx and Engel, 1848). In this sense, Communists support the sentiments of the proletariat that they believed is being exploited by the Bourgeoisie. The league represents the common interests of all proletariats around the world regardless of their nationalities. They represent the proletariats in the different stages of development of the Bourgeoisie wherein there is an observable struggle of the working class. The primary aim of the Communist is similar with all other proletarian parties, which are: â€Å"the formation of the proletariat into a class, overthrow of the bourgeoisie supremacy, conquest of political power by the proletariat† (Marx and Engel, 1848). Nevertheless, the Communist Manifesto clarifies that it is not after the abolition of property in general but rather the eradication of bourgeois property. In doing so, they can be able to uphold the freedom, independence, and equality of an individual that is taken away from him or her due to exploitative wage labor (Marx and Engel, 1848). Communists clearly saw the creation of a global culture through the revolution of production that the Bourgeoisie are responsible for as the cause of most of the world’s evil. Some of the detrimental effects that it gives are the exploitation of people especially the proletariat, the destruction of old established institution like the family, and the very self-value of an individual. On the other hand, some notable scholars like Henry Jenkins and Rob Walker perceive the new culture of globalization in a different light. Their works show the effects of the technological advancement that Marx and Engels noted in the Communist Manifesto. Henry Jenkins main argument was on the concept of Media Convergence. He asserted that the perspective that merely focused on technology is shortsighted. Jenkins emphasized that the real important factor is the understanding of the way by which individuals in the contemporary culture could participate and combine numerous media sources. Comprehending the relationship among various media forms can be done in a more in depth manner if the participation of individuals will be given due consideration. In relation to this, Jenkins suggested that convergence should be seen as a cultural process that is evolving and developing rather than a mere technological end. Moreover, he also elaborated that there are different sited wherein the negotiations between consumers and producers take place. These sites are â€Å"modifying audience measurement, redirecting globalization, re-engaging citizens, renegotiating relations between producers and consumers, redesigning the digital economy, rethinking media aesthetics, regulating media content, redefining intellectual property rights, and restricting media ownership† (Jenkins, 2006). Jenkins’ was able to seriously and extensively study the effects of audience participation in media culture. He was able to highlight the influence of digital popular culture on the behavior of individuals especially in terms of their participation in the field of politics. Rob Walker is also one of the contemporary personalities that has its own perspective with the modern state of production and consumption that exists in the world today. His arguments are centered on the concept of money culture and means of technology like advertising, music, and sequential art. The focus of Walker study is in examining the consumer behavior of an individual from the lens of business and anthropology. He discussed various products and the corresponding consumer trend that is was able to create. Walker attempts to understand the reasons behind consumers’ response to a certain product, which ranges from toothpaste to alcoholic drinks up to television programs. In doing so, he tend to critical analyze the a particular product by trying to understand the underlying concept of its brand name, target consumer, and even its effect on those who patronize it. Furthermore, he also tries to establish a connection between the product and the consumer by explaining how the characteristic or attitude of a consumer is reflected in the products that he or she buys (Walker, 2008). Marx and Engels’ Communist Manifesto calls the people especially the proletariat to take action in abolishing the concept of private property of the Bourgeoisie class that tends to exploit other people and destroy the very culture of nations. On the other hand, Jenkins and Walker also give emphasis in the participation of people in the convergence of media but they pointed out that this aids in the formation of identity rather than a mere way for exploitative labor. National identities are formed because of the existence of mass media that allows its audience to create their own texts and introduce their own identities that allows other people in the globe to see and understand other cultures. The existence of mass media in terms of the concept of convergence is already regarded as a cultural process in itself that allows people to develop their identities. In this modern age, mass media is not merely a technological advancement but rather it is a tool that allows people to participate and interact in the international community. References Jenkins, H. (2006). Convergence Culture: Where Old and New Media Collide. New York: New York University Press. Marx, K. , Engels, F. (1848). Manifesto of the Communist Party. Retrieved December 8, 2008, from http://www. marxists. org/archive/marx/works/1848/communist-manifesto/ch01. htm. Oregon University States. (2008). Definitions of Anthropological Terms. Retrieved December 8, 2008, from http://oregonstate. edu/instruct/anth370/gloss. html. Walker, R. (2008). Buyingin: The Secret Dialogue between What We Buy and Who We Are. New York: Random House.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Spin Coherent State in Real Parameterization SU(4)

Spin Coherent State in Real Parameterization SU(4) Coherent states in SU(4) of spin systems and calculate the Berry phase for qudit with spin 3/2 particle in SU(4) in quantum mechanics Yadollah Farahmand*, ZABIALAH HEIDARNEZHAD**, Fatemeh Heidarnezhad***, Fatemeh Heydari*** and Kh . Kh Muminov* Abstract In this paper, we develop the formulation of the spin coherent state in real parameterization SU(4).we obtain Berry phase from Schrdinger equation. For vector states, basic kets are coherent states in real parameterization. Wecalculate Berry phase for qudit with spin S=3/2 in SU(3) group and Berry phase. Key words: quantum mechanics, Schrdinger equation ,coherent state ,SU(n)group , Quadrupole moment , Berry phase. Introduction In 1984 Berry published a paper [1] which has until now deeply influenced the physical community. In mechanics (including classical mechanics as well as quantum mechanics), theGeometric phase, or the Pancharatnam-Berry phase (named after S. Pancharatnam and Sir Michael Berry), also known as the Pancharatnam phase or, more commonly, Berry phase[2], Therein he considers cyclic evolutions of systems under special conditions, namely adiabatic ones. He finds that an additional phase factor occursin contrast to the well-known dynamical phase factor. is a phase acquired over the course of a cycle, when the system is subjected to cyclic adiabatic processes, resulting from the geometrical properties of the parameter space of the Hamiltonian. Apart from quantum mechanics, it arises in a variety of other wave systems, such as classical optics [3].As a rule of thumb, it occurs when ever there are at least two parameters affecting a wave, in the vicinity of some sort of singularity or some sort o f hole in the topology. In nonrelativistic quantum mechanics, the state of a system is described by the vector of the Hilbert space (the wave function) ∈ H which depends on time and some set of other variables depending on the considered problem. The evolution of a quantum system in time t is described by the Schrodinger equation We consider a quantum system described by a Hamiltonian H that depends ona multidimensional real parameter R which parameterizes the environment of the system. The time evolution is described by the timedependent Schrodinger equation We can choose at any instant a basis of eigen statesfor the Hamiltonian labelled by the quantum number n such that the eigen value equation is fulfilled We assume that the energy spectrum of H is discrete, that the eigen values are not degenerated and that no level crossing occurs during the evolution. Suppose the environment and therefore R(t) is adiabatically varied, that means the changes happen slowly in time compared to the characteristic time scale of the system. The system starts in the n-the nergy eigen state then according to the adiabatic theorem the system stays over the whole evolution in the n-the igen state of the instant Hamiltonian. But it is possible that the state gains some phase factor which does not affect the physical state. Therefore the state of the system can be written as One would expect that this phase factor is identical with the dynamical phase factorwhich is the integral over the energy eigenvalues but it is not forbidden by the adiabatic theorem and the Schrodinger equation to add another term which is called the Berry phase [4-8] We can determine this additional term by inserting the an sat z (4) together with equation (6) into the Schrodinger equation (1). This yields with the simplifying notation R ≠¡R(t) After taking the inner product (which should be normalized) with we get and after the integration where we introduced the notation Then the total change in the phase of the wave function is equal to theintegra The respective local form of the curvature has only two nonzero components: The expression for the Berry phase (14) can be rewritten as a surface integral of the components of the local curvature form. Using Stokes formulae, we obtain the following expression where S is a surface in and are components of the local curvature form .[9] Berrys phase for coherent state in SU(4) group for a spin particle (qudit) We consider reference state as for a spin-3/2 particle (qudit) in SU(4) in nonrelativistic quantum mechanics. Coherent state in real parameter in this group is in the following form [10-12] where |0i is reference state and is Wigner function. Quadrupole moment is Octupole moment is If we insert all above calculation in coherent state, obtain: Discussion Geometric phases are important in quantum physics and are now central to fault tolerant quantum computation. We have presented a detailed analysis of geometrical phase that can arise within general representations of coherent states in real parameterization in SU(4). Berry phase also change in similar method. We can continues this method to obtain Berry phase in SU(N) group, where N ≠¥ 5 . we can also obtain Berry phase from complex variable base ket, we conclusion that result in two different base ket is similar. Berry phase application in optic, magnetic resonance, molecular and atomic physics [13,14] . References [1] M. V. Berry, â€Å"Quantal phase factors accompanying adiabatic changes,†Proc.R. Soc. Lond. A 392 (1984) 45–57. [2] S. Pancharatnam, Proc. Ind. Acad. Sci. A44, 247-262 (1956). [3] M.V. Berry, J. Mod. Optics 34, 1401-1407 (1987). [4] M. V. Berry. Quantal phase factors accompanying adiabatic changes. Proc. Roy. Soc. London, A329(1802):45-57, (1984). [5] J. J. Sakurai. Modern quantum mechanics, (1999). [6] Yadollah Farahmand, Zabialah Heidarnezhad, Fatemeh Heidarnezhad, Kh Kh Muminov, Fatemeh Heydari, A Study of Quantum Information and Quantum Computers. Orient J Chem., Vol. 30 (2), Pg. 601-606 ( 2014) [7] Yadollah Farahmand, Zabialah Heidarnezhad, Fatemeh Heidarnezhad, Fatemeh Heydari, Kh Kh Muminov, Presentation Quantum Computation Based on Many Level Quantum System and SU(n) Cohered States and Qubit, Qutrit and Qubit Using Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Technique and Nuclear Quadrupole Resonance. Chem Sci Trans.,vol 3(4), 1432-1440(2014) [8] Yadollah Farahmand, Zabialah Heidarnezhad, Fatemeh Heidarnezhad, Fatemeh Heydari, Kh Kh Muminov,Seyedeh Zeinab Hoosseinirad, Presentation Entanglemen States and its Application in Quantum Computation. Orient J Chem., Vol. 30 (2), Pg. 821-826 ( 2014) [9] M. O. 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Sunday, October 13, 2019

Harriet Tubman Essay -- essays research papers

Freedom Harriet Tubman was a brave woman, she managed to take eleven slaves to Canada, with no one noticing anything. She also did something that was surprising, she took the gun that she had with her to make a slave stay or to die, "We got to go free or die." She didn't allowed a slave to go back while they were traveling because someone might figured that he/she were returning from the running slaves and might have to answer questions. She traveled to differents places to stay like Thomas Garret's house in Wilmington, Delaware. She wanted to get to Canada to have a chance to feel what it would be like to be free. She painted pictures of what she thought Canada would be like, that shows she wanted to be free. In the couples of houses she stopped to get food and to get warm, I believe the persons that owned the houses agreed that they should be free, but they were too afraid to make a move. At the start of the story they were searching for Moses who they thought it was a ma n, which it was not it was Harriet Tubman, who wanted to run off slaves. The slaves at the story were patience. Harriet had promised them food, and shelter, when they got to the first stop in the farmhouse the man said they were a lot of slaves and that it was not safe, because the farmhouse had been searched a week ago before they arrived there, so they didn't had what she had promised them. The slaves didn't screamed at her or complained. When they arrived to Canada I think that even though th...

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Critique of Robert Frost Essay examples -- essays research papers

Marion Montgomery, â€Å"Robert Frost and His Use of Barriers: Man vs. Nature Toward God,† Englewood Cliffs, NJ; Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1962. Reprinted by permission of The South Atlantic Quarterly.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Robert Frost is considered by the casual reader to be a poet of nature like that of a Wordsworth. In a sense, his poetry is about nature, yet with strong underlying tones of the drama of man in nature. Frost himself stated, â€Å"I guess I’m not a nature poet,† â€Å" I have only written two without a human being in them (138).† Marion Montgomery’s critical essay plays with the epitaph that Frost proposes for himself in The Lesson for Today: â€Å"I have a lovers quarrel with the world.† Montgomery says, that the lovers quarrel is Frost’s poetic subject, and states, â€Å"throughout his poetry there is evidence of this view of mans’ existence in the natural world (138). The essay examines how Frost’s attitude toward nature is one with armed and amicable truce and mutual respect interwoven with boundaries of the two principles, individual man and the forces of the world. But the boundaries are insisted upon. The critical essay examines how Frost’s direct addresses of nature are often how man is essentially different from objects and features of nature. Montgomery insists, â€Å"†¦his trees and animals, though he speaks to them, do no take on grave countenances (140).† The jest of Montgomery’s ideal is when Frost speaks directly to or directly of natural objects or creatures, â€Å"that ...

Friday, October 11, 2019

Global warming: Natural or human- induced Essay

Scientists and environmentalists have defined the term global warming in different ways Global warming refers to the heating of the surface, which leads to climate change and rising sea levels; this is mainly due to emission of gases (www. planningportal. gov. uk/). Others attribute global warming to the consequences of the green house effects. It is also believed that global warming occurs when temperatures of the earth surface increase due to rise of carbon dioxide causing climatic changes hence global warming. Global warming has in the recent past become a subject of interest among scientists environmentalists and governments among other groups. This is due to the far reaching effects especially the climate change. The question that now begs an answer is whether global warming occurs naturally or it is due to human activities. There has been an increase in global temperature since mid 20th century, There are scientists who hold that global warming is caused by human activities like the emission of gases such as carbon to the atmosphere, burning of fossil fuels, deforestations and similar activities (Job D. A. 1994). Human activities have been cited as the causes of global warming by environmentalists, who urge for discontinuation of the said activities. Green house gases are highly cited to cause the rise in the temperature of the earth. This is mainly due to anthropogenic GHGs. However; this argument is discredited because rising levels of carbon dioxide (CO2) and green house gases GHGs does not correlate with global warming. Some scientists argue that if the green house gases were causing climate changes through temperature rise, then the troposphere would warm faster than the earth surface and this according to them is not observable. Temperature measurement indicate that temperatures increase with the rate of the temperature surface. Temperatures have risen and fallen due to the change in the levels of carbon dioxide in a time span of after 1000 years (Net T. 1999). It is uncertain to attribute global warming to the humans. Global warming is due to the effects of natural occurrence such as ocean currents and when the solar system increases its solar activities. Ocean currents are the movements of ocean water in a continuous way, Ocean currents within the ocean of hot or cold rivers. Forces generate currents which acts upon water causing planet rotation, wind affects the temperatures, this leads to differences in the moon gravitation. Ocean currents may flow for long distances even thousands of kilometers. They determine the climates in areas surrounding the oceans. Some examples are the Hawaiian Islands where the climate of the area is cool than the tropical latitudes. Deep ocean currents are driven by destiny and temperature gradient. Global warming is mostly believed to be caused by human activities. Some researchers have tried to examine patterns of heat in the temperature warming over land and water in both warm and cold areas. Results revealed some specific patterns regarding the green house gases. Vertical structure of warming was graphically different from natural warming structure. (Santer, B. D et al) According to Thomson, J. (1995), a signal analyst, the accumulation of green house gases had overwhelmed the relatively weaker effects of solar cycle on the climate. He had also noted that season’s timings kept on changing due to emissions of carbons dioxide after the World War II during the industrialization process. The seasonal pattern had started to change at a very high rate. (â€Å"The seasons global temperature and precession† by David J Thomson science vol 268 1995) Research done has continued to strengthen the case for human induced global warming. The national climate date center found that winter–time and night –time low temperatures were rising twice than summer time and daytime high temperature. Researchers argued that if the warming occurs naturally high and low temperatures would rise and fall in a parallel manner rather than the observed temperature range which narrows between daytime highs and nighttime lows. (David, E. et al 1997) There is relation between temperature changes and factors like volcanic activities and sun’s brightness variations. Abrupt warning had occurred during the 20th century. Most of the climatic analysis on climatic change has suggested that human interventions have been a dominant force behind global warming. Others studies have shown that natural factors had also influenced the change of earths temperature. There has been an increase in carbon dioxide and methane amount in space migrating from the earth atmosphere. These changes occurred between 1970 and 1997. Human generated carbon dioxide from green house had caused the earth to import heat causing climate change. Many researchers in their studies and analysis of global warming acknowledge that human has induced increase of the earth’s temperature. Gas emissions from industries, deforestation, burning fuels causes rise of the earth temperature. Global warming and climate change is attributed to various factors natural and human induced. Natural factors within the earth’s climate system have brought few changes. Changes earths orbiting around the sun can bring a large change on the earth’s climate system. However climate change have been altered in a significant variations, this makes it difficult to explain changes in climate as seen since the 20th century as occurring due to natural processes. Reference: Choundhury, S. (1980). Management Education in India, university of Calcutta. Fleagle R. G. (1992). The US government response to global change, splinger.. Houghton J. T, and Jenkins G. V. (1990). Climate Change: The IPCC scientific Assessment UNEP. Job D. A. (1994). Global climate Change, natural resource management, Carpe. Net T. ; Emission; Economicwide Effects of Reducing CO, urbanfischer. de, 1999. Noguchi K. and Konopka B. ; biomass and production of fine roots in Japanese forests, splinger, 1992. Nordaus W. D; and Shaw . D. (1994). Impacts of Global Warming on Agriculture. Cambridge Univesity press. Russel D. Land Rind D. (1992). Regional cooling in a warming climate us government printing office, 1992. Victor D. G. (2001) The collapse of the Kyoto protocol and the struggle to slow Global warming: the complete briefing. Princeton univ. press. David J Thomson. (1995). vol 268. Available at: www. planningportal. gov. uk/england/professional/en/111531/o689250. html. Retrieved on: 03:04:08

Thursday, October 10, 2019

“Anak” reaction paper Essay

1. Based on the film Anak, what specific issues do OFW (Overseas Filipino Worker) parents and their children face? Give three concrete examples. a. Unfamiliarity of family members and change in behavior i. In one of the first few scenes of the movie, Josie arrives in the Philippines. A friend and her children greet her but she does not notice her children right away. She gracefully greets her children the moment that she found out that it was infact them already all grown up. Since she was abroad for a very long time, her children didn’t know how to react to her gracefulness and felt a little awkward, especially for Daday, the youngest of her three children, whom she left at a very early age. So there is an unfamiliarity of the face and ofcourse in behavior. Children grow up and eventually get used to not being around their OFW parents so their behavior towards them also change. b. Struggle to reconnect to one another i. It was also evident in the movie that the children were struggling to be open to Josie, most especially Carla. Carla felt like her mother betrayed her by not coming back home and not calling them when she was gone. So she grew up not having a mother who would look out for her and teach her the good values that she needed. Carla ended up being influenced by the wrong people. When her mother finally came home, she felt like her mother was not part of her life anymore and just stopped caring about her. She never told her stories of what happened to her life. Also, Michael had a struggle to tell her that his full scholarship got voided, and Daday had a hard time being comfortable with Josie. All this is due to the experiences of Josie’s children that she missed. She wasn’t able to be there for her children during the times wherein they needed her the most. So the children lost their sense of security and struggled to get it back. c. Living in the Philippines i. As simple as it sounds, I believe that OFWs find it very hard to live in the Philippines again. Just like in the movie, Josie and her friends’ taxi  business was not that successful. It also affects the lifestyle of the children just like how Josie had to pay Michael’s full tuition fee for him to study in school. She used the business’ money to pay for that. Aside from the struggle to reconnect, this is an additional burden for OFWs so sometimes, like in Josie’s case, they go back abroad and just try to get a more decent job from there, and once again, away from the family. 2. How do transnational families (families with OFWs or migrant workers) challenge stereotypes or images of the traditional family? a. I think they just try their best to live a normal life. When it comes to communicating with the OFW parents, they see to it that they make use of any kind of communication like letters, phone calls, and in this current generation, we have video calling. They do this so that they feel like their parents’ are with them and their connection with them won’t be broken. In the movie, it was seen the Josie’s bosses hindered her from talking to her family at home and also from going back home to the Philippines when her husband died. So, the connection between Josie and her children got broken ever since that happened. 3. What other issues confronting the family were present in the film? Justify your answer by giving concrete examples. a. One of the issues in the film is Carla’s involvement with illegal substance and teenage pregnancy. She does this to cope with her tough experiences. She mentioned in the movie that she was like that because she never had a mother to tell her not to do those kinds of stuff. She never had a mother’s security that’s why she felt like she can single-handedly do stuff without the permit of anyone. b. Another issue is the struggle to keep up with local business. This was seen when both of Josie’s friends backed out of the taxi business due to financial problems. This, and family issues, left Josie no choice but to just go back to Hong Kong and work there again. 4. Give two concrete recommendations to solve problems confronting transnational families and/or other family-related problems that were present in the film. a. There should always be communication between the OFW parent and his or her family members. With this, they are updated about each other’s lives and they are connected. Also, the children will still somehow feel the security of the  parents even though they’re not physically with them. b. Try to visit as much as possible. Even though there is communication, seeing a loved one personally is still better. There is more shared experienced when an OFW parent is physically with his or her children and therefore, there is a stronger bond among them.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Louis Vuitton Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Louis Vuitton - Case Study Example Since the brand has loyal and a choosy customer base, its customers are highly likely to interpret such a move as a loss in the brand’s worth. The brand, however, may benefit from an increased presence in emerging high income countries and unexploited markets such as India. At an exchange rate of $ 1.50, the value of $ 8, 000 is equivalent to 10, 000 euros. When the price reduces by 10 percent, the value of revenues in dollars become $ 7, 200. At a strengthened exchange rate of $ 1.25, this presents a value of 9, 000 euros. The company, therefore, loses 1000 euros at the new exchange rate. It is essential to highlight that when the exchange rate weakens, the company loses some money out of the current revenues. The demand curve of a typical Louis Vuitton customer shapes differently because of notable reasons. To begin with, it is essential to note that a normal demand curve should show an inverse relationship between prices and level of consumption. This is because as prices increases, consumers buy less of given goods because their budgets are constrained. Louis Vuitton, however, is different because it sells luxury products that entail superior craftsmanship. A knowledgeable and loyal customer, therefore, is able to face a premium price in purchasing a given item. Besides, the brand builds on exclusivity and classiness that it would always strive to drive away its goods from mass consumption (Haig, 2006). Loyal customers are willing to pay higher prices because such prices exclude other ordinary customers from accessing the Louis Vuitton goods. Besides, the luxury market that Louis Vuitton exploits has wealthy customers whose demand curves are inelastic to price increases. In close relat ion to this, the performance of developed economies such as the US and Europe can withstand such price increases. When individuals face improved economic lives, there arises a new set customers of Louis Vuitton

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Supply and Demand Simulation_365 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Supply and Demand Simulation_365 - Essay Example The level of competition is also a macroeconomic factor because the firm is a monopoly, rather it has no competitors. The reasons the two are concepts under consideration in macroeconomics is because the firm does not have control over them as seen in the study work of Adil (2006). The shift in the supply curve is as a result of lowering rental rates. This will imply that the number of property will be on demand and making the supply to increasing leading to a shift of the supply curve to the right. The shift is also due to increased advertising whereby the property is in demand from many clients because, through advertisements, many people will learn of the two-bed roomed apartments increasing the occupant and increasing the supply. This implies that the quantity demanded increases. This shift will arise from the renting of property at a low rental rates. The shift will also arise from increased demand of apartment as a result of increased advertisement schedules. The shift in supply will affect the equilibrium price because, at some point, there is no further adjustment in the rental rates this also applies to the shift in demand. The shift in supply would affect the quantity, where according to Adil (2006) the shift to the right will indicate an increase in quantity supplied. The shift in the demand curve to the right will also indicate an increase in quantity demanded. The management will also make their decisions based on the shift in the supply curve, whereby the shift to the right will make the management set the rental rates at the equilibrium price. This also applies to the shift of the demand curve to the right, whereby the management has to reduce the advertisement as the demand will be high enough. Application of the concept of demand and supply would be to determine the amount of advertising to do, such that in case the demand goes up due to increased

Monday, October 7, 2019

HCM427-0801A-01 Human Resource Management in Health Care-Phase 1 Essay

HCM427-0801A-01 Human Resource Management in Health Care-Phase 1 Individual Project - Essay Example In the United States, about 94% of the nurses are female out of the nations 2.7 million workers. The US Bureau of Labor Statistics estimates that more than one million new and replacement nurses will be needed by 2012. The reason for the shortage is described to be the added taxes they have to pay and the added pressure on health care facilities to cut corners by letting nurses go. The shortages created by these put extra pressure on the remaining nurses. According to the survey conducted by the American Nurses Association, nurses feel burnt out, stressed and unable to provide quality healthcare. (Uretsky, 2005) (Ginty, 2004) The solution to increase the supply of nurses lies basically with the government by adopting policies for funding. However at an organizational level, the managers should try to treat the nurses more professionally. Limiting mandatory overtime can be another way to reduce burnout of nurses hence increasing the standard of nursing which would lead to more students to come towards the nursing field. Offering high rewards and peace of mind as job characteristics would further attract nurses to join JPS rather than other hospitals. (Ginty, 2004) The American Medical Association in its newspaper (Jan. 5, 2004) claimed that there was a looming crisis of physician shortage which will inevitably increase. The reason for the shortfall is some cases isn’t really because of the unavailability or supply of physicians but because of an unequal geographic distribution. Due to the trends in urbanization, the distribution of physicians in certain areas of US has become asymmetric. The lack of appeal in certain regions of the country, lower pays as well as the inability of disadvantaged communities to support specialist care monetarily lead to a tendency for physicians to set themselves up in major cities where at least their income is satisfactory.